Eliminate or Reduce Isolated Hot Spots

Design Criteria -- Review the design, looking for isolated thick sections which could be "hot spots" where shrinkage porosity might form. Add "padding" to promote soundness and aid metal feed into the "hot spot."
  • As metal in thin sections solidifies first, the thicker section will be isolated from the molten metal feed and shrinkage porosity will form in the thick section .
  • The thin connecting section into the thicker section should be "padded" to improve the thermal connection and metal flow into the "hot spot".
  • Padding should integrated into the functional design, so that it does not have to be removed after casting.
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Design Options -- The original hitch design has two isolated "bosses" on each side of the forward flat section. These were obvious "hot spots" which need to be "padded" to promote soundness. Select a padding option that will eliminate the hot spots and will integrate into the functional design.

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SFSA Last Modified: July, 1998
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