Page B2

closeup_1.gif (1727 bytes) This vertical tab is deep enough that its vertical dimensions need to have proper draft. The round top section has sufficient radius for good flow and fill.


closeup_2.gif (1399 bytes) This side rib is a major feature which will have to draw cleanly from the mold. Check the draft angle carefully.


closeup_3.gif (1503 bytes) This boss is situated on the parting line and needs very little draft. Its radius is large enough for good fill and flow.


closeup_4.gif (4033 bytes) This corner indent in the center of the plate could be a problem area for good fill. Insure that there is a generous fillet in the corner and a sufficient radius on the edge.


closeup_5.gif (2328 bytes) This is a stiffening rib in the center of the plate. It is relatively shallow and has a good fillet at the root. No change is necessary.



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SFSA Last Modified: July, 1998
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