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A Design Study in Steel - Spokane Industries Steel Snubber Arm

Orientation in the Mold

In mold design, the orientation of the part in the mold is an important factor in producing a sound casting. 

The part should be oriented in the mold, so that:

  • The parting line (where the top and bottom molds fit together) is straight and horizontal.

  • Metal flow is uniform with no drops in the different sections of the casting.

  • The cores can be securely positioned in the mold. 

The foundry engineer has two options for orienting the arm in the mold 

Which orientation will produce a straight parting line, uniform metal flow and and the most secure core positions?   
or Horizontal


Choose an Orientation



Copyright 2011  by the Steel Founders' Society of America   All rights reserved. 
Address comments to: blairr@sfsa.org
Last Modified:September, 2011 by STG

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In cooperation with
Spokane Industries - Steel Castings Division