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An Example in Steel Casting    The Ice Cleat on the M1 Abrams Tank

Steel Alloy 1030

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1030 Properties


Alloy 1030

The 1030 alloy is a standard low carbon alloy with the right toughness value of about 50 ft-lbs.  It is a low cost alloy,  but it doesn't meet the other performance requirements -- 

  • The yield strength of the 1030 alloy is 50 ksi, less than the desired 140 ksi
  • The hardness is only about 8 Rc, much less than the 35 Rc required for wear resistance.
  • The brittle transition temperature is about -15F, much higher than the required -50 F.

The 1030 is not the best alloy for the ice cleat. 

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SFSA Last Modified:December, 1998 by STG
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