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An Example in Steel Casting    Hinge/Bearing Assembly for Log Forwarder

Feature A -- Small Tabs on the Bearing Plate

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Feature A, the circular knuckles (4”diameter) on the small tabs are 1.6” thick to provide strength and stiffness. The walls connecting the tabs to the main ring are 0.86” thick.

-- The difference in thickness between the tabs and the connecting wall will produce a hot spot.

The drawing shows the feed pads (in red) added to the walls to prevent thermal isolation and promote metal feed into the knuckle section.

-- The pads also serve to stiffen and strengthen the small tabs.

Feature A does need padding to eliminate a hot spot.
Go to Feature B or C
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Address comments to: monroe@sfsa.org
Last Modified:September, 2000 by STG

Grede Foundries, Inc.
Milwaukee Steel Division

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