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An Example in Ductile Iron Casting   The Universal Joint Coupler

Controlling Pattern Costs

One of the manufacturing costs in casting is the cost of preparing the pattern.
  • The pattern is used to form the cavity in the sand mold. The cavity is shaped to the desired contours and dimensions of the final casting.
  • The pattern is positioned in the the open frame (flask) and sand is packed around the pattern. The pattern/tool is then removed, leaving the casting cavity in the sand mold.

Patterns are commonly machined to the desired shape in wood, plastic, or metal. The cost of machining the pattern depends on the hardness of the pattern material. Softer materials are less expensive to machine.

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The sand used to form the mold has an abrasive character which will wear away the surface of the pattern with repeated use.
  • Sharp contours are more susceptible to wear than flat or curved contours on the pattern.
  • This is a particular issue for automated molding machines in which the sand is mechanically rammed in the molding operations.

The durability of the pattern depends on the hardness of the pattern material. Harder materials are more durable and have longer life, but they are also more expensive to manufacture.

Choose a pattern material --       WOOD,     PLASTIC,       METAL     -- based on your estimate of machining costs and pattern life.


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Last Modified:November, 1999 by STG

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