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An Example in Ductile Iron Casting   The Universal Joint Coupler

Near-Net Shape and Machining Costs

  • The universal joint requires through-holes on each of the four tabs. The holes are 1.075” in diameter and have to be machined for precision fit.

  • The casting engineer has two options in producing these holes.

    Option A -- Produce the holes in a 2-step machining operation - rough drill and finish ream.

    Option B -- Produce the holes with a rough diameter using two sand cores in the mold. The sand cores are removed from the casting and the holes are finish reamed.

Two options are shown with different positions for the in-gate.   Which option would you choose (Option A or Option B)?
Drills3.gif (11355 bytes)
Cores2.gif (13874 bytes)


Choose an Option


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Last Modified:November, 1999 by STG

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