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An Example in Ductile Iron Casting   The Universal Joint Coupler

Design for Near-Net Shape

  • The final design for the coupler requires that the four tabs on the ring have a final thickness of 0.445” and that the ring circumference be machined for balancing
  • The drawing to the right shows three areas (highlighted in red) where machining was required on the original design.
    • Outer faces of the tabs
    • Inner faces of the tabs
    • Outer circumference of the ring for balancing the coupler.
Machine Options.gif (12521 bytes)
  • Casting technology provides more near-net shape flexibility, offering--
    --Sharper and more rapid geometric transitions between sections.
    -- Greater detail and tighter tolerances in thin sections
  • This offers the opportunity to eliminate or reduce machining requirements, as compared to other fabrication methods.

Choose two features
(Inner Tab Face, Outer Tab Face, Outer Circumference)
where the near-net shape capability of casting would eliminate or reduce the machining requirements.


Choose a Feature


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Last Modified:November, 1999 by STG

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