Riser Sizing and Placement

Design Criteria -- Risers are reservoirs of molten metal to supply the solidifying, contracting molten metal in the casting with make-up metal. They are used to prevent internal or external voids due to shrinkage.
  • Risers are placed and sized to provide sufficient metal flow into the mold during cooling to compensate for shrinkage.
  • Steel castings require shorter metal flow paths and larger amounts of metal to compensate for high shrinkage. This requires that multiple risers are evenly distributed around the casting.
risersandgates.gif (13126 bytes)
Example of Risers and Gates


Design Options -- Two riser options are provided.

Choose the riser design for the cope pattern that provides the shortest, most direct metal feed during cooling.


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Option 1 Option 2


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SFSA Last Modified: July, 1998
Copyright 1995 - '98 by Steel Founders' Society Of America.
All rights reserved.
Address Comments to:monroe@sfsa.org