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A Design Study in Steel Castings -- Pintle Socket

Rigging Design

The rigging system (downsprues, runner, and ingates) serves as the flow path for molten metal into the mold cavity.
  • Proper design of the rigging system is critical to provide for uniform, controlled metal flow into the mold.

    ==> Non-uniform, long path, and/or slow metal flow may produce unfilled sections or solidification shrinkage in the casting.

    ==> Excessively rapid metal flow or metal splashing will cause mold/core erosion and oxidation of the steel, producing non-metallic inclusions in the casting.

  • The pintle socket casting is rigged with a side sprue connected to four runners feeding into four ingates located around the base of the large bowl.

    ==> The rigging is illustrated in the drawing to the right.

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Rigging System for the Pintle Socket





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Last Modified:September, 2001 by STG
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In Cooperation with
Atchison Casting

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