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A Design Study in Steel Castings -- Pintle Socket

Riser Design

The risers in the top mold (the cope) serve as reservoirs to feed molten metal into the casting during solidification and to control and trap solidification shrinkage voids.

  • Proper design (location, number, and size) of the risers is critical to prevent shrinkage voids in the casting.
  • The risers must provide metal feed into all the sections of the casting.
  • Ideally, all sections of the casting will receive sufficient feed metal to solidify without shrinkage voids. The risers will be the last to solidify.
  • The drawing to the right shows the 10 risers feeding into the top plate of the pintle socket.

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Riser System for the Pintle Socket


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Last Modified:September, 2001 by STG
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In Cooperation with
Atchison Casting

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