An Example in Steel  Casting  --  Lever Arm in the BMW Engine Valve Train

Option A -- Gating into the Center of the Lever Arm

In Option A, two gates feed into the center section of the lever arm. This gating design is good for three reasons: 

  • The distance the metal needs to flow into the casting is minimized,  reducing the risk of misruns and unfilled sections.

  • Solidification will start at the far ends of the casting and will proceed towards the heavier center sections, producing a sound casting.

  • The gates feed directly into the center sections of the casting (which would be the last to solidify) providing good metal feed during solidification.

With two gates on the center bars, three process issues have to be considered.   

-- Because of the tolerance requirements on the in-gate surface, laser cutting is the best method for gate removal.

-- Because there are two gates, two cutting operations are necessary.

-- A variation in solidification times between interconnected gates and the part are a potential cause of distortion. The “stickless” (no sprue) casting approach eliminates this problem.

Option A is the preferred gating system design
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